Smiles & Holidays Around the World
Happy holidays friends! We hope that the season has brought you nothing but JOY and merriment so far! We've been hustling, bustling and creating holiday smiles since October... so our heads are simply SPINNING with visions of sugarplums. lol It has certainly been fun though... and we hope you've enjoyed the SALES & smiles we've shared with YOU too. For us, the best part is ALWAYS seeing the things that YOU create with our clip art and fonts. With a week left until Christmas, we simply had to share with you some of these wonderfully inspiring projects for 'Holidays Around the World!' It's a lot of fun learning about some of the holiday traditions and cultures that are so different from our own... and these projects certainly gave us some new insights. We are so grateful to these truly gifted teachers & bloggers who shared their time and talents with us this holiday season. First... we have some adorable printable learning booklets created by Patty at Her project helps students (2nd-3rd grade) to learn some of the holiday traditions of Africa, Germany, and Mexico. (Perfect for centers or small groups.) First, they read about each country and then match up 4 fact cards for each place.
We learned a thing or 2 about Hanukkah from Ashley at She created a "Fluency Fold-Up" for students to get practice with sight words, Tier 3 Vocabulary, reading, comprehension, writing, and drawing. (These Fold-Ups are truly an all-in-one product!) We love her simple, straight-forward presentation. :)
Next up, we were most impressed with Anita (at who used this cute holiday clip art to make a fun MATH activity! Her place value (holiday themed) QR Code Riddles collection can be used with any Math Series or Place Value Unit of study. What a great way to make math FUN!!!
Kindergarten Nana shared with us a book that she created... highlighting five countries, with a couple of pages about each one. She says "I would use this book along with lots of fun activities that help children get a glimpse of the different customs and celebrations."
Marian's unique sewing and quilting creations always amaze us. It's so fun seeing the art come to life in a real-life project!
Visit and check out the cute 'mug rag' pattern she made using the kangaroo from our Christmas in Australia download. Wendy at also featured this collection for us this year... she used the images to dress-up her post with a little holiday smile! Click here to shop our 'Holidays Around the World' collection now! You SAVE 35% by getting the complete collection... but you can download the individual countries/holidays too. We hope you'll take a moment to visit these blogs and see ALL of the fun things they do. Do YOU have a blog? If you do... and you're interested in working with us, please let us know! We LOVE working with bloggers because it's a win-win for both of us! Just email with your blog link and we'll be in touch! Have a very MERRY holiday season and smiles to YOU!!! -Alix :) DJ Inkers