Discontinued Downloads

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DJ Inkers has so many smiles... we can't keep them ALL forever!!! Are you missing a DJ download for your collection that has been 'discontinued?'

Maybe you recently had some download links refreshed... but one of your links is no longer available. (If this is the case, the product should be labeled 'discontinued.') OR... maybe you saw a project made online or by a friend... and tried to buy that same product... but it is nowhere to be found?

Well... you're in luck! :) We keep an archive of all of our old downloads!

If you have already purchased the discontinued download(s), just order a CD burn.  At check-out you'll see a place for 'Customer Notes.' Here, you can list the specific downloads you'd like burned. Be sure to list your order #(s). We can include downloads from multiple orders, and you can even add additional downloads to your cart to be burned to that disk. Just keep it to 25 (or less) total downloads per disk.

If you have not already purchased the desired discontinued downloads... please email smiles@djinkers.com with your request and we will do our best to assist you.
Author Alixess Spears