Site Licenses - Discounted licensing for multiple users
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If your school or non profit organization has more than ONE user interested in the same product, you can SAVE 50% with DJ Site Licenses!
Each product includes licensing for ONE user, so for each additional user, you need a site license. Each additional license is 50% off the list price of the product. ie. To buy Super Fontastic for 20 users: $35 + ($17.50 x 19) = $367.50
We also offer a School-Wide Site License! This would allow your school to put a DJ program on a private server or network, etc. where it can be available to any teacher or administrator at the school. The cost is $500 per school, per product collection. Of course, you are welcome to use our original pricing if that works out better for your school.
Limitations: Site licensed DJ products would be for use only at the school. Copies of DJ Inkers' images or fonts on a school-wide license are not allowed. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Each product includes licensing for ONE user, so for each additional user, you need a site license. Each additional license is 50% off the list price of the product. ie. To buy Super Fontastic for 20 users: $35 + ($17.50 x 19) = $367.50
Site licenses are available by email request to: OR by sending DJ Inkers a Purchase Order. Be sure to include the products you'd like to license and the number of users per product. Click here for information on how to place a purchase order...
Site licenses can be applied to products on the same order OR to previously purchased products (via our website, TPT or Etsy).
We also offer a School-Wide Site License! This would allow your school to put a DJ program on a private server or network, etc. where it can be available to any teacher or administrator at the school. The cost is $500 per school, per product collection. Of course, you are welcome to use our original pricing if that works out better for your school.
Limitations: Site licensed DJ products would be for use only at the school. Copies of DJ Inkers' images or fonts on a school-wide license are not allowed. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.